it’s Valentine’s Day today, you know

it’s Valentine’s Day today, you know

the Romantic rorschach test | inkblot silhouettes on a scarlet page


the dreamscapes you painted me are dressed 

in blood-red rose petals

that smell like 

Valentine’s day 

Where you take me to sunlit woodlands 

and pearl staircases

that lead to nowhere

How romantic

Where you take my heart just to leave it hollow 

and let me swim alone in a

boundless sorrow

How romantic 

Where you forget me and I see your life

in online posts and wedding invites

knowing I’ll never show up

How romantic 

it’s Valentine’s day today, you know, and the dreamscape of you 

is now but a melody made memory 

and my life now all but static 

because somehow the smell of you still beckons 

How tragic—



Photo by Jojo Wana

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