Style Diaries, Housing Edition: Vincent House in BJ

Style Diaries, Housing Edition: Vincent House in BJ

Welcome to the fourth post of Style Diaries, Housing Edition! Through this series, we hope to not only share an individual with a unique style on campus, but also celebrate the wonderful house culture that is on campus. Today, we are featuring Mahi from Vincent House in BJ (Burton-Judson Courts)!


Vincent House is located in Burton-Judson Courts across the Midway. Although it is the only house on campus to be composed of all singles, Vincent House has one of the strongest house cultures on campus! Many of the residents, Vincentians as they call themselves, are very close to one another and spend long nights in their house lounge. Many of their traditions including Trolling Halloween and Service Auction. They even have a Senior Send-off, again revealing their tight knit community. Their motto is "It's in the past, Vincent, but it was memorable." Also, when asked about what fashion is to Vincent, they came up with the saying: Vincent dresses up enough to be attractive. And I believe that Mahi, our highlighted Vincentian, definitely embodies this saying and goes even beyond.

1. Hi Mahi! Can you introduce yourself to our readers?

Hello! I’m Mahi. I am a first year pub pol major. I like to paint and make friends and eat sweets.


Wearing: Jacket and Belt- LOFT; Shirt- Forever 21; Pants- Forever 21; Shoes- Converse; Necklace- Charlotte Rousse 

2. How would you describe your personal style?

Is “proletariat chic” an appropriate answer? "Modern Marxist?" Honestly I fluctuate between really colorful academic/preppy looks and a more laid back, comfortably messy look. One unifying theme is that I don’t like to spend a ton of money on clothing, so honestly 80% of my wardrobe is from Forever 21 or thrift stores. Low quality? Undoubtedly. But my style is always being revamped and evolving, and playing with that is fun.


Wearing: Jacket- Gap; Shirt- Dad's closet; Pants- H&M; Shoes- Converse; Necklace- Her 4th grade science teacher gave her the pendant and she stuck it on a chain

3. Do you have any style inspirations and if so, who are they?

Jane Aldridge of Sea of Shoes is my all time favorite fashion blogger. A lot of her pieces are vintage and she always has a story to go with everything. Also she’s from Dallas (like me!) and she has lots of quirky, experimental, somewhat ridiculous looks that I love.

Wearing: Sweater- Vera Wang's Kohl's line; Boots + Chambray; Forever 21

4. Since spring is steadily approaching, are there any must have items or trends you're looking forward to?

I’m liking the return to late 60s fashion that I keep seeing around. I will never stop being a fan of the impracticality of fringe and flowy pants.


Wearing: Sweater- Uniqlo; Pants- H&M; Bow/Scarf- Street vendors in India

5. Last but not least, tell us about your house and anything unique that you love about it!

Vincent House is simply lovely. We’re quite small, so we’re all really close and we support each other a lot. Also the humor of V Haus is like nothing else. The other week, almost the entire house got together for a full length read-through of the Shrek screenplay in the Burton Judson theatre. The fact that this was even an idea that was brought to reality is why my love for Vincent is eternal.

We hope you enjoyed this post of Style Diaries, Housing EditionIf there is anyone you would like to nominate from your own house, please feel free to contact me at

Photos by Rebecca Cho and Vincent logo via

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