Dark Academia: What You Need to Know

Dark Academia: What You Need to Know

If you, like the rest of us, have been spending your quarantine on the internet, you may have come across an emerging aesthetic and subculture known as Dark Academia. Though it has seen a spike in popularity thanks to the ever popular social media platform Tiktok, Dark Academia’s truest origins date back centuries and are richly intertwined with numerous historical movements.


Before Dark Academia became an established aesthetic, it was a genre of literature. Many credit the novel The Secret History by Donna Tartt as having originated this genre when it was published in 1992. The Secret History was unique in its blending of the images of early 20th century student life with themes of murder, conspiracy, affairs, and cult-like bonds, as well as its frequent allusions to Greek mythology, Gothicism, and Romanticism. These historical references are crucial to the modern Dark Academia movement, which centers classical literature, art, and architecture from these periods.


Since the publication of The Secret History, many additional works have been widely accepted into the Dark Academia canon. Some notable examples include the films Kill Your Darlings, Dead Poets Society, Maurice, and Suspiria, all of which rank as some of my favorite movies of all time.

As this broad collection of Dark Academia-eqsue media was being assembled, the movement simultaneously began to take off in the early 2010’s with the help of Tumblr and Instagram. Dark Academia spread quickly, especially on Tumblr, where aesthetics were prized and carefully curated. A Dark Academia uniform of sorts—consisting of high waisted plaid pants, a tan sweater, a long overcoat, and round glasses—began to emerge, as did a unifying color palette of neutrals and earth tones. Images of pages from vintage books, ivy-covered brick, and outfits rich in tans and plaids took the site by storm. However, the movement remained somewhat niche even as it slowly but steadily grew.


Over the past year, Tiktok has helped revive Dark Academia, bringing it to a new generation of social media users. More than ever before, Dark Academia has transcended the label of aesthetic and is becoming the center of a new and quickly growing community. A quick glance through the app proves this. Videos of Dark Academia-inspired outfits, art, book recommendations, recipes, and more often garner hundreds of thousands of likes, and numerous creators have dedicated their content to this aesthetic.

Though Dark Academia’s newfound popularity is evident, the reason for its popularity is less opaque. One possible explanation is that it offers a return to a technology and social media-free lifestyle, a lifestyle that is increasingly unattainable yet also craved by a generation who was raised by technology. As life in the 21st century grows ever more complicated, Dark Academia may also serve as an effective form of escapism to a time where things were slower and simpler, while also allowing participants to romanticize aspects of their own lives they deem undesirable. Finally, Dark Academia is especially attractive to LGBTQ+ people, as much of its most notable works are rooted in either explicitly or subtextually gay narratives.


However, despite Dark Academia’s many draws and significant popularity, it is not without its controversies. Many of the most significant criticisms of the movement focus around its lack of diversity, particularly in terms of race. As an aesthetic rooted in 19th and 20th century Europe, Dark Academia media unfortunately tends to be overwhelmingly white, and generally portrays the stories of affluent white men.

Along the same lines, some see Dark Academia’s emphasis on education at top-level and Ivy League universities as being elitist and inaccessible to the vast majority of the population. Finally, Dark Academia has also been criticized for its unhealthy romanticization of drugs and mental illness.


While Dark Academia has its drawbacks, it seems that its newest generation of proponents are attempting to celebrate the aesthetic while making it more inclusive and accessible to all. Based on its current progression, Dark Academia absolutely has a large amount of potential to develop into a genuine and impactful community, and I’m excited to continue witnessing its growth, as well as the impacts it will undoubtedly continue to have on film, literature, art, and fashion.

Cast and Crew

Directing: Shira Silver

Models: Vivian Li, Sharon Li, Sasha Spajic, Shira Silver

Styling: Vivian Li, Sharon Li, Sasha Spajic, Shira Silver

Photography and Editing: Vivian Li, Shira Silver

Note: This shoot was planned and directed thoughtfully with all possible precautions taken. All participants tested negative prior to the shoot and masks were worn at all possible times and only removed when area was completely clear of any passerby.

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