Ways to Romanticize Your Life
Winter quarter can be an especially difficult time due to having to suffer through dreadful weather on top of the stress of school. During times like these, it’s particularly important to put effort into romanticizing your life and creating moments of happiness for yourself. Romanticizing your own life rather than others’ can be difficult for some people, but don’t worry! I’ve compiled a list of easy steps you can take to brave the turmoil of a Chicago winter.
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Document Beauty
One thing that I’ve found to be especially helpful is documenting whatever beauty you see in your life. Looking back at snapshots, whether of a beautiful flower you saw on your walk to class or a candid blurry picture with your friends, is a great way to keep yourself grounded in the positive memories you’ve made rather than focusing on the rough patches. It’s even more effective to take videos of the moments you know you’ll want to remember. Put together some clips and add a song you love as the background music, and I promise you’ll feel like your life is straight out of your favorite indie movie.
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Create Playlists
Tired of the same Spotify playlist you always listen to? Switch it up by creating a new playlist of ~aesthetic~ songs that will make you feel like your favorite movie character. The right music will make you feel as though you’re living a dreamy, beautiful life, even if you’re just taking the bus to class or studying in the Reg.
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Redecorate Your Room
The space you live in can have such a big impact on your state of mind, so it’s important to make sure that your room reflects who you want to be. Redecorating and reorganizing your living space can help you wake up to something beautiful every morning.
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Dress to Feel Good
This is a fashion blog, so I’m sure it goes without saying that how you dress can be incredibly important to how you feel, but this is especially important this time of year! You might not be able to show off your cutest outfits in below-zero weather, but you can compensate by wearing colors that make you happy, surrounding yourself with the fuzziest clothing possible, and picking hats and scarves that make you feel cozy and bundled up.
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Treat Yourself
I know everyone always says “treat yourself,” but this is something that people often forget to actually do. The sometimes-toxic culture at UChicago can make you feel as though you need to always be working, even if it means sacrificing food and sleep. But the best thing you can do for yourself is to not forget to take care of yourself, even during midterms season or internship recruiting season. Go out of your way to do things that make you feel happy. Buy yourself that overpriced latte from Plein Air, order in your favorite food when you’re too tired to cook or leave your room, rewatch a show on Netflix that makes you laugh, do what you need to do to be happy as a UChicago student. I promise you won’t look back and regret, well, actually letting yourself be happy instead of overworking yourself.
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