Beauty Favorites: Dewey, Fresh Faces

Beauty Favorites: Dewey, Fresh Faces

It is no surprise that a dewey, glowing, fresh face is all the rage at the start of Spring. Prior to binging and blowing a paycheck at Sephora and Glossier, I had always been afraid of cream based products and feared they wouldn't blend or my face would get oily. Boy, was I wrong! 

The past months of Winter wind and dry air really did a number on my skin. Frequently dry and flaking, especially around my nose, I finally had had enough and have now taken a vow to quit my lazy "makeup-wipe-and-off-to-bed" routine. 

With all my many new makeup and skincare items now in tow, I am here to share some tricks and products that make dewey, glowy skin an achievable goal, even after months (or 20 years) of neglect. 



It's no secret that achieving a killer makeup look builds upon great skin. For me, my main skincare enemies were a dry flaky nose and tight dry skin. Moisturize, baby, moisturize! 

Hyaluronic Acid

Images via here and here.

This magic ingredient jam packs your skin with moisture and is normally one of the featured elements in the most moisturizing serums, lotions, and creams. I've been using (and loving) the Garnier Moisture Bomb - its cooling feel is perfect for the warmer weather and gel consistency absorbs into the skin super quickly. 

Rose Water

Images via here and here.

Roses have historically had lots of beauty benefits, and rose water is no exception. I ordered a huge bottle of this Mario Badescu rose water facial mist on Amazon and use it at least 3 times a day. It's light, drys quickly, doesn't remove makeup, and cools off your skin - making it the perfect spritz to wake you up in the morning, set your makeup, or just give you a pick me up refreshment throughout the day.  


Images via here.

As I entered into the realm of internet research for amping up my skin care regimen, serums topped many a list. I'll admit, I have much to learn in this area, but I can highly recommend the Super Glow Serum from Glossier (I have also heard much praise about their other two simple ingredient serums - check out the full trio here). It's full of Vitamin C and Magnesium and boosts your skin, making it glowy and refreshed. 

When in Doubt - Balms

Images via here.

As we exit the midst of winter, the corners of my nose have seriously taken a beating. Although the hyaluronic acid helps with the majority of face, these nose corners need a little extra TLC. Glossier's The Balm DotCom is my favorite (I always have it in my bag, wherever I'm going!). 

Body Oil

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This one started out with a "I bought it for the packaging" moment, but boy is my life changed! This beautiful, apothecary style bottle, filled with scented body oil and flower petals, sinks quickly into my skin, moisturizes my legs, and looks beautiful on my shelf. Check it out at Urban Outfitters here!



Avoid the Powder!

After this winter, I have suffered the woes of dry, flaky skin, and packing a powder on top of my face makeup often accentuated this dryness. Recently loving the dewey skin look, I've just skipped powder all together and have never looked back. 

Cream/Oil Based

Images via here, here, and here.

Continuing with my recent powder ban, I've also gotten really into cream and oil based makeup products. They blend effortlessly, apply incredibly quick, and leave my skin feeling hydrated and glowing. Some of my favorites include: Glossier's Haloscope, Milk Makeup's Blush Oil, and Glossier's Stretch Concealer

Beauty Blender

Images via here.

I have always seen these pricy little sponges throughout Sephora's enticing aisles and always passed it by. After taking this splurge, I am honestly obsessed with the Beauty Blender. It blends perfectly, uses less product, and leaves my skin with a natural looking finish. Just remember to use it damp for pro-style blending! 

Eye Gloss

Images via here and here.

Although an admittedly weird makeup trend, I've recently gotten into the fresh look of glossy eyelids (think of lipgloss for your eyes!). My favorite product for this is the Milk Makeup Eye Vinyl in Bridge, as it's clear color makes my eyes look fresh and it's formula is not sticky or heavy. This also is such a quick replacement to my old go-to eye makeup look, as it's an easy one step swipe with no blending.  


Featured image via here.

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