Feeling Uninspired? Consider These 15 Halloween Costume Ideas

Feeling Uninspired? Consider These 15 Halloween Costume Ideas

The best and worst part about Halloween in college? It's been stretched out over an entire weekend, which means one or two more costumes alternates you didn't have to worry about back in your trick-or-treating days. Don't worry though! We've got you covered with costume ideas that are relevant to pop culture, meme culture, UChicago culture, or all of the above!


1. One of the old Taylor Swifts

A great group costume idea–so long as you're all comfortable being a part of this narrative! Pick from one of countless iterations of everyone's favorite victim, plus get bonus points for choosing such a spooky costume–she is dead after all! 


2. Handmaid's Tale

This costume idea is creepy on multiple levels, especially if you squad up with friends, but it's probably not too hard to fashion one of those weird blinders/bonnets out of a paper towel roll. Blessed be the fruit!


3. Vue53

Make a statement and make a ton of friends at the party! You can even follow up next year's Halloween with your take on UChicago's latest domineering architectural feat: the new hotel on 53rd St!


4. It

You kind of have to go big or go home with this one, so stock up on face paint now before Michaels is all sold out.


5. Sex and the City squad

The 90s are back in almost every respect in terms of fashion these days, so why not pay homage to the ultimate 90s girl squad?? Team up with three gal (or guy) pals... just make sure you don't get stuck being the Carrie of the group.


6. One of the pregnant Kardashian/Jenners

Only for the most iconic of trios. A good last minute backup since you never know which one will be next! Lip injections optional. Ask a satellite friend to be Kim's surrogate.


7. Trump's ex cabinet members

Another amazing group costume idea. Plus there are newly deposed options to choose from almost everyday, so the squad can keep growing! 


8. The cast of Riverdale

Again, another group costume idea. You and your friends are probably not as good looking and/or tortured as these highschool sophomores, but it's worth a shot!


9. A handsome soldier from Dunkirk

Did you know every single British soldier who fought in WWII was incredibly handsome, well groomed and fashionable dressed even in the face of adversity? Me neither. Only try this look if you're okay talking to some guy about how he exclusively watches film in 35mm for the rest of the night. 


10. Okja

Not really sure how one can create a convincing enough costume to pass as the pig/hippo hybrid from Okja, but it's worth a shot!


11. The dope sneakerhead of Bella Hadid's dreams

Roll through the party in this costume and homeboy is gonna like, get it.


12. Baywatch

Did anyone actually see this movie? Probably not. But what better excuse do you have to wear a swimsuit in public?


13. Wonder Woman

Probably the Harley Quinn of Halloweekend 2017, this option isn't original by any means, but it's sexy and as long as you're down to be one of twenty other Gal Gadots at the party, this is a pretty decent option!


14. Kendall Jenner and a can of Pepsi

Proceed with caution–only a true power couple can pull this look off with panache. It takes a real dynamic duo to end racism and social injustice, and in a Canadian tuxedo no less! 


15. A black cat

No shame, we're not judging. This one's a classic. You probably still have the cat ears from last Halloween, which makes this a solid choice for when you inevitably panic at the last minute about not having one of the amazing aforementioned costumes.

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Feeds to Follow: @artlexachung

Feeds to Follow: @artlexachung

Where and Wear: Daebak

Where and Wear: Daebak