Boost Your Workout: High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)

Boost Your Workout: High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)

High-Intensity Interval Training-- or HIIT-- is a quick yet effective way to workout. It can be completed in a short amount of time while providing more benefits than steady-state workouts of the same length. It combines the benefits of both interval training and high-intensity training by alternating intervals of high effort with intervals of medium to low effort. There are several  beneifts to HIIT including:

  • Improves overall fitness in fewer weeks than steady-state training
  • Burn more calories and fat in less time
  • Strengthens the heart which improves heart health
  • Increases metabolism
  • Can be completed anywhere with little to no equipment
  • Can be adapted for any fitness level

Looking to try HIIT? There are several types of HIIT workouts to fit any schedule and fitness level. Here are some of our favorite HIIT workouts:

  • This seven-minute workout can easily be done in a dorm room or apartment and was featured in the New York Times.
  • If you have 10 minutes and a treadmill, you can do this workout, which has modifications for every fitness level.
  • The Tabata method of HIIT is best for those with very little time and is recommended for those already at high fitness level. It involves alternating between 20 second high-intensity intervals with 10 second low-intensity intervals. Tabata workouts can be completed in as few as 4 minutes. This total-body workout uses Tabata principles to work out your entire body in only 10 minutes. Learn more about Tabata here.
  • If you want to design your own HIIT workout, this infographic has all the information you need.

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