Christy Turlington Returns to the Runway After 20+ Years
The last couple of years have seen the supermodel titans of the 90s returning to the runway with a vengeance, the latest being Christy Turlington.
Among the model elite, Christy has always been my favorite. Cindy was the sporty all-American beauty, Naomi was sultry with a notorious attitude, Linda was the brash chameleon, but Christy always seemed sidelined as the underrated one among the bunch. People love a big, bold archetype and with her practically-perfect-in-every-way features, natural elegance and kind demeanor, it’s hard to put her in a box. But that hasn’t stopped her from shining, as she was one of the top earners in her prime, bringing in a reported $1.7 million in 1992.
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More low-key and self-aware than her peers, she was highly successful but always downplaying her status, and constantly denying Linda Evangelista’s infamous quote about the two women “never getting out of bed for less than $10,000 a day.” Lacking the ego of her colleagues, she perfectly balanced the line between the sweet, girl-next-door and one of the sexiest women alive. She paused her career in its prime to get a degree in comparative religion and Eastern philosophy, start a charity to support maternal health, and get a masters in public health.
Christy triumphantly reclaimed the catwalk in the Marc Jacobs Fall 2019 Show on the last day of New York Fashion Week in a Black Swan dress; an average look immensely elevated by her wearing it. Despite the 50-year-old model closing the show, she reaffirmed that this was simply one more walk for old times sake, posting about the opportunity on Instagram:
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