Quad Style: Nick Hadjimichael

Quad Style: Nick Hadjimichael

My name is Nick Hadjimichael, and I'm a fourth year double majoring in Economics and Public Policy with a specialization in public health. I grew up in Northern Virginia. On campus, I'm a member of GlobeMed, URock, and the Phoenix Survivors Alliance. In my free time I like to make music, read, and boulder. 

I am wearing an In-N-Out Utah t-shirt, Gant Rugger flannel shirt, Obey jeans, Pumas, Wilco socks, and hat from the combination Dunkin Donuts/Baskin Robbins on 53rd.

I am wearing an In-N-Out Utah t-shirt, Gant Rugger flannel shirt, Obey jeans, Pumas, Wilco socks, and hat from the combination Dunkin Donuts/Baskin Robbins on 53rd.

How would you describe your personal style?

I just collect things that I like to wear or that remind me of moments in my life. I'd say I dress similarly to most of my friends from D.C.—sort of vintage preppy and alternative. I also have red-green colorblindness, so most of what I wear tends to be on the simpler side and is navy blue, brown, or black.

"I just collect things that I like to wear or that reminds me of moments in my life."

What is your go-to outfit? 

This one. Nothing easier in the morning than grabbing a simple short-sleeve and the same jeans and plaid shirt that you've been wearing for all of finals week. The hat helps when I'm not in the mood to use pomade.

Where do you like to shop?

Nowhere in particular, really. When I go home to D.C., I do stop by Gant to check out what's on sale. Although it is a bit pricey, it's the only brand I've found that accommodates my kind of build and shorter torso without being "tighter than your ex-girlfriend's jeans." Otherwise, I mostly pick up a lot of miscellaneous T-shirts.

What is your relationship to fashion? Has it changed over time?

I went to an elementary and middle school where I was only allowed to wear collared polos, khaki or blue pants, and sweaters with logos "smaller than an I.D."—a dress code enforced by our principal à la Dolores Umbridge. Not the worst origin story, but since then I've never felt comfortable in those kinds of clothes and have pushed back against the notion that you need to look a certain way in order to dress well and appropriately.


"[I've] pushed back against the notion that you need to look a certain way in order to dress well and appropriately."


Why is fashion important to you?

My goal is to feel comfortable with my look so I can focus on other things, rather than my appearance. Sometimes I prefer to be a bit better dressed and polished; other times I couldn’t be bothered. I like that I can create a thoughtful, put-together image without necessarily having to put a lot of effort into fashion.


Images courtesy of Olivia Jia, Talha Yousaf, and Sima Shah.

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