Feeds to Follow: thingsbylauren

Feeds to Follow: thingsbylauren

We're spicing up our Feeds to Follow to showcase some student work! Our first artist is Lauren Han, and her handle is @thingsbylauren!

Hi Lauren, can you tell us a little bit about yourself?
I’m a second year Econ and Visual Arts major (as of right now) from Los Angeles, California.

What inspired you to take up art?
I think it was the idea that if I really wanted something, I could try and make it myself- things like posters for my room, Snapchat geofilters, etc. Especially in this day and age when modern art can be as simple as one color slapped onto a square canvas. It’s something I turn to when I’m stressed, frustrated, upset, or just bored while I’m watching TV. A creative outlet.

Why choose digital media/photoshop instead of a more traditional medium? I’ve always really liked graphic design and digital art. I started to teach myself Photoshop when I was in 8th grade, just because I was bored. Digital media flows better with me and it’s much easier to control and fix. All I have to do is hit Command + Z to erase a mistake, while with physical forms of art like paint and sculpture it’s not as easy. I also love how clean digital art is, and how there are a million different ways you could take it. It’s actually incredible how advanced programs like Photoshop and Illustrator are- you can do basically anything with them.

Tell us more about your creative process!
I started doing these illustrations recently because my mom wanted a cool artsy poster of our dog for the house (we’re all pretty obsessed with our dog, just about anyone can confirm that). I take pictures or stock photos and I use them as a reference while I draw. I’m drawn towards working with pictures of food, animals, flowers, etc. I draw a lot of things that have some sort of meaning to me.

Do you have any future plans with your graphic designs on campus? Could be for an RSO or just in your free time?
Yes! I’ve actually made a few of the on-campus Snapchat geofilters. I lived in New Grad last year and made that one, as well as the “Go Maroons” one that covers most of campus. I also did the geofilter for Delta Upsilon’s house. I’ve done smaller projects here and there, like designing T-shirts and logos for an RSO, a personal project, and for a frat party. That’s something I’d love to continue doing, assuming people ask!

Last question! Art is only one page of your story, so what other things are you involved in on campus?
I’m a graphic design intern in the Communications department at the Harris School for Public Policy. I’m also the visual design editor for MODA Magazine, the designer for The Maroon’s business team, and a part of Greek life.

To check out Lauren's other work, check out her instagram @thingsbylauren!

All artwork via


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