Designer Profile 2022: Otis Gordon
a pattern of anti-precision…
“I’m a musician and visual artist and I think a lot of that blends into what I look for in fashion. I play jazz so I think, in my heart, I’m not really used to precision I make all my own patterns using some regular paper and tracing things that may work — and a lot of times it doesn’t. But that’s part of the fun for me. I like messing up. I’m not too worried about sticking to patterns or rules or stuff like that.”
Photo Courtesy of Otis Gordon: Paper and Precision
… with the audience in mind…
“I try to keep the audience in mind (when designing). I try to put myself in the audience’s seat – or shoes. I think if I try to objectify myself from the scene and try to look at it as if I’m just watching another designer it makes me be critical over my own designs — which I think can be an echo chamber. So I definitely keep the audience in mind which helps me choose the materials and the shapes I wanna go for. I realised that — at least for this year — I don’t want to do anything overly-complex I just want to make something that looks good visually.”
… and a direct design philosophy…
“My design philosophy is just do it, you know, in the moment, changing things, not sticking to the plan too much, and also just getting a lot of feedback from your friends that you respect. Get other heads in the scene especially if you have artist friends who you admire. They could really give a lot of valuable (artist-driven) feedback.”
Photo courtesy of Otis Gordon: an Artist’s split seconc
… driven to a split-second
“ I think the most exciting part of the design process is right before you try something on. When you’re not really sure if it’s going to fit right or whatever — but it looks good. For me, a lot of times it doesn’t. Just that split second before you try something on. (…) I think it’s more personal and unique that experience. I’m glad that being a designer has given me that.”
Make sure to check out Otis’ fantastic collection at this Spring MODA Fashion Show.
“Last year I was part of the show but it was all remote which was interesting. I’m excited to have an in-person show. (…) I hope that’s cool.”
-the words of Otis Gordon