Designer Profile 2022: Kiki Apple
From athletics to fashion, Kiki Apple, A 3rd year majoring in Computer Science and Visual Arts, gives a fresh take on what defines fashion through her Argentine roots.
Born in San Francisco, Kiki Apple spent her earlier years moving back and forth between the US and Argentina. She was initially a sporty kind of girl, but an unfortunate injury took that lifestyle away from her. On the bright side, this made her turn to art and consequently fashion. Often noticed for her intriguing Argentine-inspired fashion, Kiki incorporates plenty of Argentine culture into her personal style and work.
on joining MODA and the DBC...
Kiki had always been interested in fashion and was told that she had “very interesting fashion because of how she was very Argentine,” which made her interested to try out MODA as something new. Initially starting in DBC, Kiki had no prior sewing experience but had a great interest in fashion. She describes how the program helped her build an understanding of designing and the basic skills of sewing and construction. Although her injury was unfortunate, she said that “everything worked out for the best, as she loves MODA and all the people she met through MODA.”
on how this year's piece came to be...
“I made this specifically for my model, Sophia Michel. She’s the only person I could imagine wearing it. I wasn’t going to do a collection this year, but I ran into her during the model call in Logan and she modeled for me last year. She told me she was headed to the model call and I told her I wasn’t designing this year just directing because I’m studying abroad. And she was like “Oh, that’s really sad because I wanted to be your model again because I loved working with you so much. She’s in her 4th year, so I decided that now I had to do it. That’s why I decided to make this look for her.”
“In the past, I did more silver but I decided to go with gold because that’s more her color, and it fit her better. The snakes weren’t intentional and in no way refer to her, but I think they just worked really well together.”
on the show...
“The show is sick, I love the show, it’s super fun. Especially since the designers have gotten closer, I’m really looking forward to the work and art in the show. At its core, in my opinion, the show is about the designers and it’s a celebration of their work. The designers are really cool people and they have a lot to say about the world through fashion.”
on inspiration and past works...
Kiki has always been inspired by her Argentine roots, with past works featuring cow patterns, which are a big symbol in Argentine culture. She’s always been inspired by animals and her past experiences, one of which is seen in the image above, a beautiful display at a museum in Paris. Kiki also likes to experiment with different fabrics, with mesh being a highlighted fabric in her latest piece.
on advice for new and upcoming designers/fashion enthusiasts..
“Don’t be too scared to start a piece. The piece will never be exactly the way that you imagined it, like the way a fabric drapes won’t be exactly the way you planned it to be. Be more flexible and spontaneous because it’ll be a look no matter what.”