Blogger's Day in The Life: Kathryn
Please pardon the shameless self-promotion as a transition to the beginning of a series of features of our bloggers and what they do in a day.
I've always found myself in an odd mix of skepticism and inspiration by the classic college promotion advertisement of "What Our Student's Do In A Day" - often too good to be true (read: do you really have time for yoga three times a week while taking honors analysis? These are the questions I'd like an answer to UChicago Administration!) yet often provocative of a lust for the glory of time management. In the spirit of breaking these mixed feelings, I've decided to embark on a journey of showcasing some of our blogger's daily schedules - whether they will be mundane (as mine), artistically inspiring, or spurn light-class-load envy is yet to be decided.
Note: this may or may not be a dramatic rendition of my ideal, non-8:00am-to-11:00pm-straight-no-breaks day.
7:00 am
Wake up, shower, snuggle back in bed, scroll Instagram, yell at Seb (a parakeet) for making too much noise, scrounge around for an odd breakfast choice (yesterday, I brought a third a loaf of pumpkin bread to Quantum and ate it shamelessly while making eye contact with my professor), get dressed, blow-dry hair, makeup - yada yada yada a long laundry list of a typical getting ready routine.
Image via Kathryn Hicks
8:00 am
Stroll to Starbucks/Pret/Dollop and read the readings for my 11:00 am class. Procrastinate, always, my friends.
11:00 am
Walk in semi-late but not technically late to class. Laugh at the fact that we still have a stolen chalkboard on wheels in our room. Proceed to write notes on the philosophy of mind. Resist the urge to look at phone, repeatedly.
12:30 pm
Find some lunch. On the very off chance I planned ahead or am dangerously low on cash, I shall eat what I have brought with me (probably some rice and chana masala, as this is the only dish I know how to make decently well). If I'm feeling like buying something or am inevitably unprepared, I'll enjoy some BobCha or a sandwich from Dollop or the like. When I'm having a bad day, I default to Plein Air to treat myself to a sandwich/salad and a chai latte and aesthetically pleasing decorations (I've become very good at the whole "treat-yourself" mindset).
2:00 pm
Class number two - a class in which electronic devices are banned. Participate in an arguably obnoxious voice, as I'm never the one to screw around with a 20% participation grade.
Image via Kathryn Hicks
3:30 pm
Hibernate in some library somewhere. Do a P-Set or write up some solutions for the class I TA for, or assignments of the like. Again, if I'm having a bad day, Plein Air is the default and I will no longer be sad, however, my wallet will be and I'll regret this habit in a couple days.
Image via Kathryn Hicks
6:00 pm
Office Hours for said class I TA for. My "office" is apparently a Reg Room as according to their syllabus.
7:00 pm
Hang out in the Reg for a little while longer and get some work done. Head home and watch some NCIS (read: my taste in television is horrible and I only like the same crime/humor genre and have almost exhausted all there is to offer in this category).
Image via
11:00 pm
I've gotten into the routine of a mindfulness hour before bed. I've gotten really into Simple Habit for quick meditations to get yourself in the right mood before heading to sleep, but I also enjoy listening to a podcast or reading a book for class.
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