Freshmen Fifteen Who?

Freshmen Fifteen Who?

Coming from Texas to Chicago, there were a lot of things I had to worry about–whether I would like the city, whether I would have to explain to multiple people and multiple occasions that, “No, I didn’t ride horses on a daily basis,” and whether I would be able to fit all my shoes in one suitcase because who knew airlines charged for “extra luggage” (even for something as necessary as shoes!). But other than completely stressing out over just existing in such a new city and trying to figure what exactly my calculus teacher is trying to tell me about delta being epsilon, there is one thing I have been very aware of–the “freshmen 15.” That daunting, ever present warning you get from students of the before time about just how bad their eating habits were and just how consequential that became. Well, speaking from my four-week experience as a student here, this what I’ve gathered:

1. The freshmen fifteen is definitely real

You might not be feeling it now (I know I didn’t) but those two plates of fries you had for dinner will certainly catch up with. The effects are not instant, in most cases, but without proper exercise and physical activity, you might feel your body becoming more sluggish and, for a lot of people, acne becomes a very real struggle.

2. You don’t really have to change much of what you’re eating

So, take it from someone who has a literal addiction to fries, IT GETS REALLY HARD TO STOP YOURSELF. I’ve had instances when I could’ve gotten a salad or chicken, but I’ve opted out for a bowl of fries and some juice–I KNOW HOW YOU FEEL. But, my motto is it’s all about moderation. Some people hear that and they’re like “yeah, yeah whatever, tell me something I don’t know,” but it’s actually possible to eat whatever you want (within reason) and maintain whatever standard weight figure you have in mind. I’ve been doing it for a while now and it seems to be working fine and it’s just a mind game you have to play. If you had an OMG bad for you lunch (pizza and fries anyone?) go for a salad with light dressing and a side of chicken, or tofu (yay protein!). If you’re feeling a little sluggish, go for a light walk/run and get your blood pumping. It’s all a matter of just changing small things in your daily routine so they can in turn, help change your lifestyle for the better.

3. It’s really about LOVING YOURSELF!

It’s not all about being skinny or trying to get to that perfect size 2 figure (but if that’s what you want, I support you too!). It’s more about feeling healthy in your own skin. The fact that you were worried about the freshmen fifteen so much that you decided to continue to read my post (which I greatly appreciate!) means that you care about your body enough to keep it healthy and happy and that’s all I’m really asking for.

I hope there was much gained and nothing lost from going on this spiel with me! Goodbye for now!

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Quad Style: Santi Ruiz

Quad Style: Santi Ruiz

Garance Marillier, Rising Star

Garance Marillier, Rising Star