Off Campus Study Spots: Eva's

Off Campus Study Spots: Eva's

Eine Kleine Nachtmusik blasts through the speakers at Eva's in Old Town. Located less than a block south of the Sedgwick station, Eva's is furnished with floral paintings, comfortable couches, and large stained-glass study tables. It's a perfect environment for a coffee date, working on a p-set, or grabbing a homemade sandwich before checking out the Zoo Lights at the Lincoln Park Zoo.

The menu boasts traditional favorites like a macchiato and speciality treats like red velvet lattes. All the sandwiches have fancy names. Every drink is served in a unique mug, as though you had pulled it from the cabinet in your kitchen at home.

I talked with JP, a barista who loves working at Eva's to understand some of his favorite things about this coffee shop. "There are lots of cool regulars - we have people who come in almost every day, and so there's definitely a personal feel," he quips. "I actually worked at a Starbucks before this, so I can say that Eva's is a different environment from a place like Starbucks. In fact, Eva, the owner, comes in almost every day," he says as he points towards the back of the shop. "She's like my second mom. What can I say, it's a really cute coffee shop."

While Eva's might be a bit far from campus for you to become one of the cool regulars, it's a short trip if you want to get out of Hyde Park for part of the weekend. Simply get on the green line, change to the brown line at  Clark/Lake, and hop off the brown line at Sedgwick. After a short walk south, you'll see Evas on your left. With its seasonally decorated windows and inviting fireplace, you won't miss it. 

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